Sunday, May 30, 2010

What's your story?

Lately I have noticed that my life has been about other peoples stories.

We are living our stories.

This is such a cool thing. While it can be draining, one of the greatest things is listening to someone who has a story to tell, one from their heart that they have been saving to tell the right person.

Everyone has a story and everyones story relates to someone elses story which then helps another persons story. Its like a cycle. A story cycle even. So many people bottle things up- I'm even guilty of that. Keep things inside of them that only tear them apart. But to be honest, that only hurts more... In the long run, you won't be any happier so why cause yourself that pain

I have a friend.Lets call her Lisa for privacy. Now Lisa was a very close friend of mine. We shared our problems. But she had been bottling something up for a while. Now i've known many people who have self-harmed because times got tough... Lisa was different, you wouldnt guess she would ever. On the surface she was happy, energetic and loving life whole heartedly. But on the inside she was broken, so broken. And only those close to her could see this. One day i asked what her story was. She told me. Now it took a while but once everything was off of her chest, she felt releif as someone now knew her story and she knew somebody else cared. She was and is so strong, i admire that so much. But her telling her story to others, helped her uncover things about herself she didnt even know. Telling her story saved her life.This friend of mine taught me to love life, she taught me to want to love better of others, she helped me to want to hear other peoples stories. She was my bestfriend. No i don't see her anymore. I miss her greatly but i am so thankful she was in my life, she taught me to want to tell my story. Because stories help people.

We all have a history, we all have something to say but so many things stop us- like other people, or fear. But don't be afraid to share your story with someone else, ears were made for listening weren't they? We ALL have a story. It may be happy, sad or both. It could be a tale of triumph or faith. They are all stories that deserve to be told. I think that's beautiful.

I should be asleep. Take care.


 So I'm sitting in front of our warm woodfire in my cosy lounge room and I'm contemplating life. Something said this evening by a beautiful role model of mine reminded me of something i have completly forgotten about, something that challenged my already challenged brain.

Take note...

"I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesnt resolve. But i was outside the Bagdad theatre in Portland one night when i saw a man playing the saxaphone. I stood there for fifteen minutes, and he never opened his eyes. After that i liked jazz music. Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself. It is as if they are showing you the way. I used to not like God because God didn't resolve. But that was before all of this happened. "

People this is the author's notes from the best book i've ever read... "Blue like jazz" By Donald Millar. It is brilliant. Think about this passage. Then act on it. Changed my life. Go and watch somebody love something? sometimes thats all it takes. : )
Enjoy your night.

Peace and love, Becc xx

Friday, May 28, 2010

You matter.

"To write love on her arms" has it covered. Sorry this is a quick entry. But I know people who are lost, scared, insecure, sad and frightened. I know people who feel unloved and feel as if they just don't fit. I read this and was mighty touched. Please read, its a good read. It gives me hope.

P.s. And remember that you are loved.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mistified momentarily

So i'm having a writers block. I am in the process of writing a few more songs. See i have so many ideas and themes that i just dont know which to start with. So i have made a list of the process i will undertake...

1. Get a coffee, maybe two (REAL coffee, not the crap instant stuff we currently have).
2. Fill my room with flowers and happy thoughts.
3. Get the guitar, sit at the piano....
4. Get the paper i previously forgot to get and maybe a pencil. 
5. And maybe just strum awhile.

I have re-taught myself some guitar. Well, a few chords anyway. I'm finding the rhythm more exciting to work with rather than just the same old piano stuff. I want to be different. I want to experiment with melodies and harmonies, I want to be able to write my heart, out on paper, in the form of notes on a stave filled with interpritation and passion... updated you will be... you'll see. 

My sweet escape...

So as most of you know... I'm studying, in year 12. It started ok. Now its just stressful. I mean 9 assignments at once? Not only is this injust, its silly. As only 5 are summative.... but the others "STILL COUNT" Oh it makes me laugh. 

What makes me smile while thinking of year 12 is the feeling of accomplishment i'll hopefully have when i'm done. The feeling of freedom and releif. The feeling of "now i can sleep". While yes, i'll go to uni and study, i will miss my friends, i will miss haveing something to do 24/7... Life after this year excites me. I see new doors opening each day. And i see the real world. I see change. And i like it.

So currently, i'm not wealthy, i dont need a lot of money, i don't have a job, i get by. But one day i will save up and i will travel to this beautiful place, called Ireland. Mum has ancestors there... plus, its GREEN!!!!! I love green, its also great for walking around in random fields with a guitar on your back and humming sweet melodys to the exquised flowers I'll see on my way. It is a goal, before my time is up, to visit this place of enchantment.

Leaves look almost beautiful when they're about to die.

Leaves look almost beatiful when they're about to die. Oh sooo true.

Well hello.

Long time NO speak.

I was observing Autumn the other day. And as i was walking through my garden.... i smiled as i saw dead leaves... shades of orange and brown fall from trees having stood a while before hand. And i noticed something, that while seasons change, the most beautiful thing, that YES made my day, was a dead leaf. We dont appriciate anything these days, no i won't ramble for hours. But Autumn leaves are one of my favourite things, i could watch them for hours on end, its amazing. The small things make my life better, they make me smile and they give me hope. So a fact. A lifeless leaf, brings out the best in me.

This also brought me to R
egina's amazing song "Time is all around" She's so brilliant. Its her lyrics this blog is named after....

"Leaves look almost beautiful,
when they're about to die
When they're about to fall from tree's
when they're about to dry... UP."

Regina Spektor is my hero. i want to meet her, and sing with her and discuss dead leaves. Because they are beautiful!

Enjoy the seasons, go observe a tree.