Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Laugh Out Loud

Yes this is sad. BUT. Tonight. At midnight. Myself and my bests are off to see ECLIPSE. at exactly 12.01am. Im excited. Its not that lame.... er story.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010



I heard a story just the other day. It was beautiful. A person, they walked in the light and were tangled in the darkness. So they decided to tangle them selves in the light. And the darkness had NO chance.

"Experience: The most brutal teacher. But you learn, my God do you learn"
C.S Lewis

Pure brilliance!

Want an inspiring read? I found one. She is my friend. Get addicted.

Above all else guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
—Proverbs 4:23

Everyone experiences pain. But everyones the same. Maybe not the same kind of pain but you know.... its pain all the same.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ode to Year "stupid" 12

I am an indecisive person. And a bad speller. But i cannot decide whether or not to keep a blog and what to keep it on. yez. Issues.


Year 12 is prooving challenging. I walked into this challenge telling myself i will stay on top of my work, i will study like nuts for each of my tests.... well. I screwed that up. I'm blogging. Haaa....

See when walking into a "challenge" as such, we go in with this mighty motivation and confidence and hope... we come out with regret and "I could have done better...". Well... A friend of mine changed my attitude. I was wingeing about the work load and exams and i was ready to give up... i had no motivation...

So i was told to ponder life. So I pondered life and i looked into the near future. For my uni degree... (Music) I dont need a TER. I don;t need a fabulous grade... but for some reason... something inside of me clicked. I only do year 12 once (hopefully), well with these people anyway and why should i waste that? Why should i let everyone down by NOT trying? And what if i decide i want to be a doctor? (unlikely) but if i waste this year i wont be able to change my mind. Yes its hard. No doubt it will get harder... But i walked into this year so excited, so READY... that dwindled quickly but NOW.... well now i have made my mind up. I'm going to walk out of this year excited and i'm going to know that i have done my best. Which is good enough for me.

Becc's list of things to keep you motivated for year 12.
- Lovley friend faces (These help when you want to punch something or stab your teacher.)
- Class clowns (These help distract you from your actual work but give you comic releif when stress levels hit max)
- Places to RELEASE (often stress overwhelms you.. I often sit outside and breathe some freash air... well as much as you can in Mawson lakes)
- Have support (I have lovely people that support me and slap me when i want to give up or tell me how stupid and "drama queen" like i am being)
- Music (Enough said)
- Teachers that are funny (This helps)
- A near by store (so there is endless caffeine)- probably not the best advice
- Picture books (To remember what it was like NOT to have to think)
- Ranga's (They seem to brighten the day and make life all that bit more amazing)
- Water bottle (used for hydration and weapon if needed)

Bye for now. Try your best and be MOTIVATED.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Tonight i saw a movie with one of my best friends. First movie in a long long long long time. It was called "Letter's to Juliet". Based on something a rather to do with Juliet...  Anywho... It was purely amazing. Yes it was a soppy film, i cried and laughed the whole way through. But it was such a beatiful story and thats what made it so dang good. The story behind the movie wasn't pointless, wasn't shallow and wasn't boring. It was inspiring and magical and everything amazing you could ever think of. Happy tears and tears of sadness poured down my face while Emma Kluge giggled her way through the movie (and sobbed). My favourite quote: "Let's hit the sack........." awkward silence. You wont understand unless you see the movie..... Its so great lol

The movie inspired me to write more (usually movies have no lasting effect or really push me to do anything). This was special. We really don't appriciate love, in what ever form it may be. Love is splendid, it is wonderful and it is worth it. Its hard sometims but in the end, its love and true love (whatever that may be) cannot be shattered. It is never too late.

Hint: go see it! I miss my girly night outs... just driving around till we find something to do. I am truley thankful for my friends. They are brilliant.

The best love story ever told is your own :)

Have a lovley night.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fathers Farm Photography.

I can't wait to go back :)

Something worth my while.

Long time not write. Hi. 

Well, my weekend was eventful. On Friday evening i ventured to our common venturing place... Yorketown. To visit my lovely relies on their farm. We often go there to relax and enjoy the smell of country air, to kill the car by driving slightly recklessly, to get caught in the rain on the beach or just generally to observe some nice scenery. The only difference this time was that i had to study which was ok because it is peaceful and a tad tempting to do something better than study, with my little time. Besides that though it was brilliant.

Myself, my sister and her friend drove to the beach and saw the most beautiful sunset over the water... the horizen was never ending. I didnt realise how much i missed standing on the cliff top, out-stretching my arms and feeling the chill in the air on my face... then opening my eyes and seeing this beautiful sight, this huge display in front of me, pure excellence. This was  followed by great partying on behalf of the Preuss family...

I then went outside to find a drinkbottle, and something stopped me. It was this glowing that came from the sky. Now in the city you can see like 7 stars.... When your in the country its a different story. There is no black sky left... its filled with stars, i swear it turns to a white and silver glimmering sky. The stars brighten your path, you look up and you can see the milkey way, the southern cross, clearer than EVER. And one of my favs is the saucepan.... it has a longer handle in the country. The sky always tends to make me want to sing, so thats what i did. On the back of the ute, staring at the sky i sung.

The point of my babble is. That we really dont realise how lucky we are to have the country night sky just around the corner. Yes it may be a 5 hour drive but its not that far when you put it in perspective. Dont be so lazy and take a roadtrip. I will miss the farm untill i return as i always do. I love the sky, it brightens everything. I could write 78762387 essays on how prettyful it is. Another amazing things was that i actually witnessed the sunrise....  at 5am something i've forgotten about for a very long time.

Im not usually a morning person, i am nocturnal... not really thats a lie, but im usually a late night sort of woman. I have decided i will be a morning person. Because watching the sunrise over the farm was incredibly breath taking, you dont see things like that when you sleep in till noon. the shadows it created on the shearing shed wall, the reflection of the rays as it showed over the field was just STUNNING.  It was just beautiful. It was actually picture perfect... (I took a photo, i havent put it up sorry :) ) and it made me think of how much detail went into making this brilliant world. Every sunrise was planned from the beginning. what colours it would include, what time it would arise.... Sigh, its just lovely. This fact leaves me slightly speechless. The sheep were grazing in the green field, the tree's were black against the amazing orange, yellow, pink and red sky... and then the sun rose. And i knew that my day had started :)

SO advice for today.... wake up early, its so worth it. (But only if you've had an early night :P)

Peace out xx

I'll leave you now with some beautiful farm (Yorketown) pictures taken by my own Father.