Monday, June 21, 2010

Ode to Year "stupid" 12

I am an indecisive person. And a bad speller. But i cannot decide whether or not to keep a blog and what to keep it on. yez. Issues.


Year 12 is prooving challenging. I walked into this challenge telling myself i will stay on top of my work, i will study like nuts for each of my tests.... well. I screwed that up. I'm blogging. Haaa....

See when walking into a "challenge" as such, we go in with this mighty motivation and confidence and hope... we come out with regret and "I could have done better...". Well... A friend of mine changed my attitude. I was wingeing about the work load and exams and i was ready to give up... i had no motivation...

So i was told to ponder life. So I pondered life and i looked into the near future. For my uni degree... (Music) I dont need a TER. I don;t need a fabulous grade... but for some reason... something inside of me clicked. I only do year 12 once (hopefully), well with these people anyway and why should i waste that? Why should i let everyone down by NOT trying? And what if i decide i want to be a doctor? (unlikely) but if i waste this year i wont be able to change my mind. Yes its hard. No doubt it will get harder... But i walked into this year so excited, so READY... that dwindled quickly but NOW.... well now i have made my mind up. I'm going to walk out of this year excited and i'm going to know that i have done my best. Which is good enough for me.

Becc's list of things to keep you motivated for year 12.
- Lovley friend faces (These help when you want to punch something or stab your teacher.)
- Class clowns (These help distract you from your actual work but give you comic releif when stress levels hit max)
- Places to RELEASE (often stress overwhelms you.. I often sit outside and breathe some freash air... well as much as you can in Mawson lakes)
- Have support (I have lovely people that support me and slap me when i want to give up or tell me how stupid and "drama queen" like i am being)
- Music (Enough said)
- Teachers that are funny (This helps)
- A near by store (so there is endless caffeine)- probably not the best advice
- Picture books (To remember what it was like NOT to have to think)
- Ranga's (They seem to brighten the day and make life all that bit more amazing)
- Water bottle (used for hydration and weapon if needed)

Bye for now. Try your best and be MOTIVATED.

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